Divergent Life Webinars

We run a webinar every six weeks or so, bringing topics we know you will find interesting and will help you with your life.

They are just £15 to watch live or on a playback. You can purchase and download the latest episodes below.

Webinar Episodes


August Episode

This episode was all about Trauma. What trauma is, why it occurs and how it lodges in the body, and we also talked about the different types of trauma, such as relational and sensory.

Click the button below to purchase and download the playback


October 7th 2024

School Trauma

Our next episode will air on Monday 7th October at 7.30pm for about an hour including Q&A.

We’ll be talking about school trauma. We know that many of you are struggling with getting your ND children back to school. It’s a deeply challenging and emotional time for us all, when so much resilience is needed to just get them up and into school. And some days that just isn’t possible.

This is going to be a hugely validating space for you and give you the tools you need to navigate school trauma. We will cover:

  • What school trauma is

  • Why it is different to truancy and emotionally based school avoidance

  • How to spot the signs

  • What you can do to support yourself and your child experiencing school trauma

  • How to advocate for your child in school